Employment Specialist

  • Tunbridge Wells
  • Sovereign Eamp; Bale

Role Purpose : You will work with clients (managing a caseload) who have mental health support needs, to assist them in securing sustainable paid employment in line with their preferences. You will deliver the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) approach (for whichtraining will be given); providing person centred advice and guidance to clients, whilst building positive relationships with local employers to enable clients to move into suitable employment. You will work as part of a community mental health team and/orearly intervention psychosis team, maintaining positive and integrated relationships, fostering a holistic approach to recovery through employment

Core Responsibilities :

  • Manage a caseload of around 20 clients who have mental health support needs who are motivated to start/return to work.
  • Deliver the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) approach for which training will be given.
  • Assess client’s support needs related to work which may include benefits/welfare advice, disclosure of mental health symptoms etc., and provide support & guidance.
  • Attend weekly clinical team meetings as an embedded IPS practitioner.
  • Source job opportunities for clients through tailored job search and regular contact with local employers to explore hidden as well as advertised employment opportunities.
  • Provide education and support to employers, as agreed with the individual, which may include negotiating adjustments, return to work strategy and on going contact with the employer to ensure job retention.
  • Build relationships with colleagues in clinical teams to engage and generate referrals and create collaborative working partnerships with clinical staff (promoting employment as a positive intervention in the recovery journey).
  • Once employment has been secured continue to provide quality service through conducting regular visits, effective monitoring and in-work support to clients and employers to help sustain employment.
  • To build and maintain employer relationships and maintain employer engagement database.
  • Arrange regular meetings with clients to monitor and review progress pre and post-employment.
  • Spend time getting to know local employers, in order to negotiate job opportunities that meet each individual’s strengths, needs, abilities and preferences.
  • To challenge inequalities experienced by clients and address existing discrimination, whilst ensuring a process of learning for the organisation
  • Work with employers to promote the service, identify job opportunities and ensure appropriate strategies are in place to reduce barriers in the work place - this can include exploring 'job carving’ i.e. carving small slices of work from the duties otherstaff do not have time to do